Shamanism is an ancient form of healing which lies at the heart of most spiritual practices. At its’ core, it is about honouring and strengthening the interconnectedness and divinity of all life.

The role of a shamanic practitioner is to address the cause of dis-ease and restore balance at a spirit level; overseeing the needs of their community and mediating between the spirit/physical world. Shamanic journeying is a way of initiating healing, receiving guidance or gaining experience.

This is done by reaching an altered state of consciousness in order to enter non-ordinary reality (that which exists parallel to our ‘ordinary’ reality); working alongside a trusted ‘spirit team’ and engaging with the energies that reside there; often removing unhelpful energies or re-introducing lost/needed ones.

A free diagnostic journey is suggested before booking, to ask what the most appropriate form of healing is for you at the present time. Shamanic healing often takes place within a Soul Empowerment Session.

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£60 per hour

FREE consultation with every healing session

Holdings fee: £40 (Non-refundable within one week of appointment)


Complementary therapy sessions are not a replacement for medical treatments/prescribed medication and cannot take place while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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Power animals are spirit companions of light, wisdom and power; carrying a medicine specific to your needs in the form of transformational gifts, guidance and talents. They differ from spirit guides in that they are animistic, earth-based beings in animal form who carry physical healing and strength; rather than angelic guides bringing divine knowledge. Power animals can come in at times of need and power-loss to fill an energetic gap but this journey is specifically to meet your main guide who over time can become a trusted companion.

Empowerment (sometimes known as a power loss journey) is a process of journeying into non-ordinary reality to retrieve a power animal. This may be one who has worked with you before at a time when you were full of your own power or a new guide entirely. Their essence and medicine is bought back into ordinary-reality where it resides in your heart space to restore personal power. You’ll then be guided through a merging process in order to fully integrate this essence and get to know your guide and the medicine they bring.

This is a beautiful way to experience shamanic journeying, though it can also be carried out by the practitioner on your behalf.

(Approximately 60 minutes when booked separately to a Soul Empowerment Session)


Experiencing extreme vulnerability when we’re not full of our own power (such as times of depression or addiction) can leave us open to unhelpful and unwelcome spiritual intrusions or curses. This can sometimes present as a feeling of ‘lack of wholeness’ or an unexplained sharp pain. Extraction medicine aims to gently remove these unwanted entities, making space for a loving energy to enter in the form of a power animal, restoring personal power and bringing an appropriate medicine or message (see ‘empowerment journey’ for more information). Please note, this is not the same as curse-removal or de-possession.

(Approximately 60 minutes when booked separately to a Soul Empowerment Session)


This is a two-part session with the intention of bringing crystalised wisdom of a past life into this one to shift unhelpful patterns and resolve current-life issues on a spirit level. It is an ancient and profound way of healing energetic links that could be holding you back, rather than regressing back to experience a past life.

Part 1- The practitioner journeys to be shown the client’s most relevant past life in order to retrieve and relay such information as beliefs held, vows taken, people involved and the death itself including last thoughts.

Part 2- The client is guided through a meditation or journey to repair and honour the body of that past life; separating themselves from it and releasing any unhelpful or inappropriate energy trapped there.

(Approximately 60 minutes when booked separately to a Soul Empowerment Session)


Just like living beings; physical spaces have an energetic vibration which can sometime become stale and unloving rather than flowing and free. This may manifest in a feeling of un-ease or tension, in some cases even causing misfortune or discomfort. Space clearing is a way to energetically de-clutter imprints of past experiences; restoring balance and harmony.

When to have space clearing:
-Moving into a new home or business premises
-Trying to sell a home or business premises
-A being has died in the space (the soul may have unfinished business or need help moving into the light)
-Many troubled beings pass through
-Severe drama/ conflict has occurred

A £60 home visit consultation and diagnostic journey is needed before booking the actual space clearing

(Time varies)



When we encounter traumatic situations, part of the soul (our essence/ life force) is believed to fragment away in order to find safety. While this is a positive and natural protective response to save you from harm; physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual health can be negatively affected, causing chronic stresses to an individual’s wellbeing. Soul-retrieval intends to restore harmony and resolve the source of the problem at the level of spirit.

When a soul part ‘takes flight’ soul loss can be experienced on three main levels:
-Protective barrier affecting ability to express and receive intimacy
-Habitual, addictive or compulsive behavioural patterns
-Chronic repetition of the original trauma

Two sessions are booked, 7-10 days apart.

Part 1- Soul-retrieval
The practitioner journeys to find the most relevant soul part for you at this time and invite it to come home. The trauma itself will not be discussed.

Part 2- Integration and fire ceremony
A guide or power animal is retrieved to help support you through this beautiful integration process and a fire ceremony is held in order to free up space for this soul part to return. Movement may be encouraged to enhance the merging experience.

Soul-retrieval is a deep form of healing that will only be appropriate if you’re really READY FOR CHANGE. Distance sessions are also possible.

(Approximately 2 hours in total.)


Discarnate spirits can sometimes get stuck on this plane and it’s the job of the Shaman to facilitate their transition into the light. These unquiet human souls may also find solace in the energetic field of the living at times when they’re experiencing extreme venerability and are not full of their own power. In this case, a power animal will be bought in to fill the gap. (see ‘empowerment journey’ for more information).

Please note, this is not the same as curse-removal or extraction.

(Approximately 60 minutes when booked separately to a Soul Empowerment Session) 


Two sessions are booked three days apart.

Sometimes curses get handed down through generations and it’s our responsibility to break this thread; sending powerful healing back to our ancestors and forward to our descendants.
This is a four-day healing ritual, with the first and fourth day being in person.
During the first session the curse will be extracted, the origin understood (if helpful) and a loving energy bought in to fill the gap. A ‘surrender, release and forgiveness’ ritual takes place over three consecutive days, ending with a ‘gratitude’ and joy ritual on the fourth day.

(Approximately 2 hours in total)


Limpia is an ancient ritual using a blessed egg (a vessel representing the promise of new life in its purest form) to absorb and transmute unhealthy energies from the physical body and aura. The egg is then read as a divining, diagnostic aid and disposed of in a respectful way.

(Approximately 30 minutes)


Serenity Self-care Package


Animal Healing