Spiritual lingo can sometimes be a bit baffling.

Below is a glossary of words and phrases you may see throughout the website to help de-mystify their meanings.

Positive phrases used to challenge negative thoughts. The words we use can make a huge difference in changing our outlook and mindset. Affirmations are often ‘I am’ statements; for example, saying ‘I am making positive changes in my life!’ I often use affirmations in 1-1 healings as a kind of homework to give clients focus in between sessions.

In literal terms, this means ‘connected to or resembling the stars’ and relates to the non-physical realm where paranormal activity is often believed to originate. The astral body refers to the un-seen counterpart to a person’s physical body or soul.

The unseen electromagnetic energy that flows around all living things. The aura is often referred to as the ‘subtle body’ and is essentially an external expression of a person’s true emotional state. Some people who are sensitive to energies describe seeing auras as colour, while others describe it is a sense. Phrases such as “that person had a lovely feel about them” could be deemed as responding to someone’s aura. The aura sometimes contains energies that are unhelpful or stagnant so are often cleared during a 1-1 healing session.

A deck of cards, often containing beautiful illustrations and motivational phrases relating to angels. Cards can be drawn for yourself or someone else with a specific question in mind to offer clarity or guidance around a specific question or situation. They can be checked against the accompanying guide book though I personally find it is sometimes more powerful to read them intuitively.

A complementary therapy (sometimes called essential oil therapy) where the therapeutic use of plant extracts by a trained professional to promote a desired emotional or physical reaction such as relaxation or joy, pain relief or digestive comfort. During a massage or healing session, I use self-selected DoTERRA CPTG oils.

Believed to be the body’s energetic centres of living beings that govern overall wellbeing and ensure the harmonious flow of energy and emotion through the body when properly cleared and aligned. During a soul empowerment session, I often work through your chakra system to gain insight into the root of emotional and physical concerns. Though the seven ‘main’ chakras are most commonly spoken about, there are many more which reside all throughout the body and aura.

Information intuitively transmitted and conveyed via a person. For example, a medium may be described as a channel for messages from the spirit realm. 

‘Clear hearing’ Extra-sensory or psychic perception of information conveyed to a clairaudient via hearing, often described as being like hearing something being said in the next room.

‘Clear sight’. Extra-sensory or psychic perception of information conveyed to a clairvoyant via sight. Often described to be like daydreaming.

‘Clear knowing’.  Extra-sensory or psychic perception of information conveyed to a claircognizant via a strong sense of knowing. Often called intuition or gut instinct. For example, the unexplained ability to know if someone is being untruthful.

‘Clear feeling’. Similar to claircognizance, a clairsentient receives a psychic perception of information by feeling emotions as if they were their own.

*All ‘clairs’ perceive information not available to the five main senses. Not to be confused with psychological or medical conditions which can cause a person to see/hear imagined tormenting images/voices.

The process of making something clean and clear from impurities. When you hear the term ‘cleanse your energy’, this can often mean the removal of unwanted energy via the means of smudging, shamanic healing, reiki or even dancing.

Sometimes called ‘alternative’ therapy, this is an umbrella term for treatments that are recognised by, but fall outside the remit of standard modern healthcare professionals such as nurses or GPs. Treatments carries out by complementary therapists aim to improve mental/ physical health and include but are not limited to treatments such as osteopathy, massage, homeopathy and reiki. It is NOT a replacement for conventional/mainstream modern medicine.

Not being contained within a physical body. For example, a discarnate soul is the essence of a being who is no longer living. Sometimes they get stuck in this plane and may need a helping-hand to pass over, which is what I do when carrying out ‘soul transition'.

The practice of gaining intuitive foresight or insight into a situation using practices. I personally gravitate towards Tarot readings but there are many forms of divination, including but not limited to psychometry, runes, palmistry and tea-leaf interpretation. It is sometimes referred to as soothsaying or fortune telling.

Emotional Freedom Technique is a complementary therapy that uses tapping with the fingers along acupressure points to release blockages within the central nervous system to help people overcome a variety of issues from stress or anxiety to addictions and phobias. This can be an incredibly useful tool when used both with a trained EFT practitioner or by yourself.

A person with the ability to perceive the emotional state of another being, often experiencing these feelings in their own body. Techniques such as meditation and breathwork can be helpful for an empath when learning to manage their ability in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed and ‘empath training’ is one of the most common requests I have from clients.

An umbrella term for complementary treatments that work on the principle that the therapist moves energy through the body, to promote natural healing process, restoring physical and emotional well-being. This is often a non-touch therapy and includes treatments such as Reiki. Over the years I have developed a form of energy healing that I call ‘Soul Empowerment Sessions’.

Derived from the Greek word ‘Ethos’ which means ‘way of living’ and often used to describe a practice that is truthful, fair and honest.

In scientific terms, this is the rate per second of a vibration in sound, radio and light waves. People who are sensitive to such energies may use the term ‘vibrating at a high frequency’ to describe a happy and optimistic person.

A consistent, balanced and pleasing relationship between things. Many holistic therapies strive to achieve harmony between the mind, body and spirit in the most natural way possible.

Creating an environment which is non-judgmental, confidential, supportive and safe in which an individual can speak freely when expressing their beliefs and feelings.

The treatment of a person as a whole being rather than the sum of parts to be addressed separately. A truly holistic approach takes into account the contributing elements of mind, body and spirit.

An intuitive may rely on feelings of inner knowing, gut feeling or instinct rather than seeking physical proof or evidence-based understanding. Intuition can be extremely accurate, though difficult to explain.

Deriving from a Sanskrit word meaning a “sacred message or text, charm, spell, counsel.” Mantras are a sounds, words or phrases used during meditative practice and often used as a form of affirmation.. They help focus the mind, set intentions and outwardly express a belief.

A physical hands-on therapy that stimulates the natural flow of energy, blood and lymph to reduce emotional and physical tension. Medical advice may be necessary when deciding which type of massage would be most beneficial.

Bringing a situation into one’s physical reality using a precise and optimistic process of thoughts and actions. This works on the principle that ‘we attract what we are’ and is a helpful tool that anyone can learn to work with in order to bring about a positive change of circumstance. ‘I AM’ affirmations are incredibly helpful when manifesting.

A substance or practice used in the prevention and treatment of emotional or physical dis-ease.

The practice of using mental and physical techniques such as breathing and visualisation to bring focus to the mind and relaxation to the body. There are many physical health benefits as it can calm the central nervous system, promoting the body’s ability to self-heal. Even simple techniques, when used daily can reduce stress, promote deeper sleep and even lower blood pressure!

The act of conveying information between someone who is no longer living and the physical world. A medium channels messages or guidance from the deceased to their client. There should always be steps in place by the reader to ensure this is done in a contentious and safe way.

A meditative technique that involves bringing awareness to your surroundings, physical and emotional bodily while staying present with the experience. For example, taking a moment to check in with your breathing or the sounds around you.

Also known as allopathic, contemporary or mainstream medicine; it is the scientifically based study and treatment of disease and illness, often through pharmaceuticals and developed over the last two hundred years.

A person who believes in and acquires truth beyond logical intellect and physical proof., similar to an intuitive.

Derived from nature or existing in its pure state rather than being man-made/synthetic. For example, a person may chose to use pure plant extracts rather than a product that contains chemicals.

The treatment and self-healing of disease and illness through a holistic approach and natural treatment, rather than man-made drugs.

A deck of cards, often beautifully illustrated and containing motivational phrases. Oracle cards can be drawn for yourself or someone else with a specific question in mind to bring clarity or guidance around a situation. They can be checked against the accompanying guide book though I personally find it is sometimes more powerful to read them intuitively.

A person who uses extra-sensory intuitive ability to perceive information. This is a word that far too often gets put on a pedestal as something unattainable, but everybody at some point has said things like “I feel that/ my gut is telling me” and it turned out to be completely true. It is my belief that everyone is psychic, but some listen to it more than others.

A way of tuning into and interpreting the energy of a person to provide insight into situations. This is often achieved via forms of divination such as cards, runes, palmistry or psycometry readings. 

A Japanese form of energy healing based on Bhuddist teachings and developed in the 1920s. Reiki works on the principle that the therapist moves energy through the body to promote a natural self-healing process and restore physical and emotional well-being within a living person, animal or plant.

A physical space that has been set up in an intentional, ritualistic way ready to host a 1-1 or group session or therapy. See ‘holding space’.

Shamanism is an ancient form of healing which lies at the heart of most spiritual practices and religions. The role of a shamanic practitioner is to address the cause of dis-ease and restore balance at the deepest level (the level of spirit); overseeing a community’s needs and mediating between the spirit/physical world. A shaman works alongside trusted spirit guides to receive guidance and initiate healing by reaching an altered state of consciousness (often by use of a shamanic drum).

A technique often used as part of a ritual or energy clearing, where smoke from burning plants is used with clear intention to cleanse a space, person or object from unhelpful energies and make space for desired ones. For example, clearing out stagnant energy and inviting play!

A term that refers to the connection between the physical body and one’s emotions. Somatic dance, for example, is moving in a way that focuses on the way your body feels rather than how it looks and can be an effective way or reconnecting your mind, body and spirit.

The essence of a being that holds memories, personality and identity. Often believed to continue existing even after that being has stopped living.

A term used to describe a benevolent discarnate spirit that acts as a helpful guide or protector for a living person. Practitioners of therapies such as shamanic healing work with a team of spirit guides to reassure and confirm intuitive messages. 

A form of psychic divination who’s true origins are undecided. Tarot cards are used as a focal point to tune into and interpret the energy of a person to provide clarity and insight into situations regarding issues of the past, present or future. They can be intuitively interpreted or checked against the accompanying guide book. Due to the strong messages and mature themes that can arise, I never offer readings for those under the age of 18. Oracle or angel cards could be a gentle alternative, especially when wanting to pull cards for yourself or someone who ‘isn’t really into this stuff’. 

The treatment of ill-health and maintenance of well-being based on knowledge, practices, and beliefs trusted and adopted over generations within various cultures. Often involving natural plant-based treatments while addressing the issue from a holistic and sometimes spiritual perspective.